Christmas is one of the world’s most well-known and well-loved holidays – and with good reason. In many parts of the world, Christmas celebrations encompass almost the entire month of December. Here’s a look at why Christmas is celebrated, the origins, traditions as well as food and activities.
Origins of Christmas
Christmas is an old holiday; people around the world have been celebrating it (in some way, shape, or form) for over 2,000 years.
To Christians, it marks the birth of Jesus Christ.
However, there’s no clear consensus on when the historical figure Jesus of Nazareth was actually born.
The idea for celebrating Christmas on December 25th, like we do now, most likely came from traditional European winter solstice celebrations, which have been around for even longer than Christmas itself.
Typical Christmas Traditions and Activities
The way Christmas is celebrated varies a lot based on the individual; customs change depending on who you ask, and who you’re celebrating with.
Giving Gifts
Most people will say the most memorable part of Christmas is giving and exchanging gifts.
Kids usually receive toys, games, and candy.
Typical gifts for adults include clothing, music, luxury items, jewelry, alcohol, or practical items.
The amount of gifts given varies widely depending on the family.
Some families choose to focus on small, hand-made gifts.
There’s also a good variety of gift-opening traditions.
Some families open all their presents on Christmas Eve (usually after an evening church service), while others wait until Christmas morning after Santa Claus stops by their house.
Others open just their Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve and save the rest for the next day.
It’s also common for people to choose a single gift to open on Christmas Eve, as a preview for the other gifts to come.
Special Church Services
For faithful Christians, Christmas isn’t just a fun holiday, but a deeply significant religious event.
Observing Catholics usually attend midnight Mass, and other denominations often spend a portion of their holiday worshiping.