Самый сложный абзац задания 38, как показывает практика, это четвёртый абзац — выявление и решение проблемы. но всё меняется, когда мы подойдём к решению проблем с точки зрения психолога. А именно, решаем проблему с помощью действия, т.е. глагола. Ниже мои предложения решительных действий.
This problem can be solved if
- Teenagers receive _______ training at school. So they can see if it suits them. (career)
- People limit their computer usage each day. (computer)
- Parents give teenagers time to be along.
- Recycling centers provide people with free reusable bags. (environment)
- Parents limit teenagers’ screen time.
- People organise in-person meeting with their friends more often.
- Extra-curricular ________ classes are offered.
- Create a budget to limit how much (family, teenagers) can spend on _____________.
- Seek immediate medical help if they feel any pain.
- Young people limit their ____________ expenses.
- People use healthier alternative, like carrot cakes instead of chocolate cakes.
- Parents monitor their children and block certain channels or sites on the Internet.
- People clear out their wardrobes to remove clothes they do not wear.
- Parents and teachers correct foul language.
- Remember to wear sunscreen.
- Schools allow students at least one day to wear what they want.
- Students wear earphones to block out noise.
- People avoid ready meals and instead cook large dinner which can be eaten over several days.
- Parents advise their children ______________ .
- Set a daily time limit on _____________.